Richard Bernstein
Richard Bernstein Advisors LLC (RBA)

Richard Bernstein is CEO and CIO of Richard Bernstein Advisors LLC (RBA), an independent investment adviser focusing on longer-term investment strategies that combine top-down, macroeconomic analysis and quantitatively-driven portfolio construction. A much-noted expert on equity, style and asset allocation, Rich was voted to Institutional Investor magazine's annual "All-American Research Team" 18 years, and is one of only fifty analysts inducted into the Institutional Investor "Hall of Fame". His book "Style Investing - Unique Insight into Equity Management" is widely viewed as the seminal book on style-oriented investment strategies.

Rich is chair of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation endowment's Investment Committee and sits on the Hamilton College endowment's Investment Committee; he is a trustee of both institutions. He is also a member of the Journal of Portfolio Management's Advisory Committee, and recently retired from the adjunct faculty of the NYU/Stern Graduate School of Business.

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