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Under the auspices of the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Greece


  Capital Link Forum

Deputy Minister of Economy & Finance

He was born in Athens in 1952. He is the son of Air Force General Giorgos Doukas, that was distinguished as the leader of the famed 335 Fighter Squadron that fought in North Africa, equipped with Spitfires, and was later head of the Civil Aviation Authority.

He has a Ph.D. in Economics from New York University. He studied Economics and International Relations at George Washington University (Bachelor of Arts), Management and Fiscal Relations at Columbia (MBA) and Economics at New York University (Master of Arts in Economics and Ph.D).

From 1979 to 1985 he worked as an Economist and Currency Analyst for Citibank in New York, and also as Foreign Exchange Exposure Management Advisor, Foreign Exchange Dealer, and Money Market Dealer.

In 1986 he took over as Citibank Investment Banking Country Head and Country Treasurer for Greece, and in 1990 also took over as Country Head for the Institutional and Corporate Banking sectors.

From August 1992 to October 1993 he was Deputy Minister of Finance in the government of Kostantinos Mitsotakis, with the Public Debt and Public Assets among his responsibilities.

In 1994 he returned to Citibank, and in 1996 he founded Capital Partners S.A., which deals mainly in strategic partnerships and company takeovers and mergers.

In March 2004 he was elected deputy for the Precinct of Attica and was appointed Deputy Minister for the Economy and Finance, Head of the General Accounting Office. Among his many responsibilities are: the formulation and the implementation of the Budget, Central Government Debt & Operations, Government Security Auctions, Public Trusts, Loans and Bonds, the Public Corporation for Moveable Assets, Subsidy Programs and Management of Public Funds, the State Bursar's and Payments Office (State Treasury), Fiscal Relations with the EU, Fiscal Validation of the Ministries, Prefectorial Governments and Legal Entities under Public Statute, Civil Servants Pension Funds and others. Under his supervision are also the Organization of Handling Public Materials, the Public Housing Authority, the Public Property Services of Prefectures, the Authority of Civil Servants Welfare and the Corinth's Canal.

In the past he has served: Chairman of the Board of Netmed N.V. (Pay television group for the channels Nova, Filmnet, Supersport), Chairman of the Board of Ericsson Hellas, Chairman of the Board of AGET Iraklis (?G?? ??a????), Chairman of the Board of Capital Partners S.A.,Co-Chairman of the Board of Directors of Pepsico-Ivi Hellas, Financial Advisor for EFG-Eurobank-Ergasias Bank, Village Roadshow Hellas, Merrill Lynch International (London) and Sanwa Bank (London). , Member of the Board of the Hellenic Corporate Management Company,

He is now: President of the Hellenic Golf Federation, Member of the Board of Anatolia College, Member of the Board and the Executive Committee of the "Konstantinos Karmanlis" Institute for Democracy.

He has written numerous papers on banking and finance and he is the author of three books on economics: "The Euro Era and Greece", I. Sideris Publications, Athens 1999, "Corporate Governance, Capitals, Stock Market & Companies' Assessment" I. Sideris Publications, Athens 2002, "Economic theories, Governance Values & Ancient Greek Thought", Livanis Publications, Athens 2004 (to be published in English)