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Under the auspices of the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Greece


  Capital Link Forum

Secretary for Public Private Partnerships
Ministry of Economy and Finance

Leonidas Korres is the Special Secretary for Public Private Partnerships in the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Hellenic Republic.

From April 2004 he was financial advisor to the Minister of Economy and finance. He was member and coordinator of the committee responsible for the preparation and establishment of the legal framework for PPP implementation in Greece and the launch of a PPP unit within the Ministry of Economy and Finance. He was responsible for monitoring and reporting the state's financial commitment to the Olympic Games Athens 2004 budget. He also participated in the drafting of the new Investments Incentive law.

Prior to his appointment as a special advisor he worked in the financial advisory sector where he was actively involved in a number of projects in the fields of mergers and acquisitions, valuations, financial restructuring and project finance.

Mr. Korres is member of the board of directors of Hellenic Olympic Properties S.A.. He is currently involved in the tender processes for the selection of long term users/lessees of certain Olympic Venues.

Mr. Korres is also an elected City Councilor in the Municipality of Athens and president of the board of the Center for Employment and Entrepreneurship, a non profit municipal company.

He holds a Bachelor's degree in economics from Athens University of Economics and Business and a Master's degree in Finance from University of London.