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Under the auspices of the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Greece


  Capital Link Forum

Euro-American Women's Council

Mission Statement

EAWC's mission is to strengthen the status of women in the global marketplace by building strategic alliances between women in business and prominent leaders across the United States, Europe, Mexico, Latin America and other places of the world. Through EAWC, women of diverse backgrounds and accomplishments work together to advance women's access to positions of leadership and to pave the way for the next generations of women business leaders.

Core to EAWC's mission are:
Fostering bilateral cultural relations that lead to social and economic growth and development - Promoting environmental protection through enhanced technology - Celebrating women's diversity and accomplishments, and promoting equality in the business arena - Creating a platform of mutual respect, cooperation and shared goals between women of the United States and Europe - Mentoring and educating the youth to successfully lead in a rapidly changing, technology-driven global society with respect to the universal values.

Loula Loi Alafoyiannis is the Founder, Global President and CEO of the Euro-American Women's Council (EAWC), founded in 1996.

Gloria Starr Kins, President of the Kins Group, is a member of the advisory board of EAWC. She is United Nations Bureau Chief for Multieditions Ltd publishing company: Sportive, Basket News, Society and Diplomatic Review as well as Wound Healing Journal. Ms Kins is Co-Chairman of the Euro-American Women's Council 11th Annual Forum in Athens, Greece and Nicosia, Cyprus, along with Phyllis Hill Slater, Executive Chair of EAWC, Dr. Alicia Zizzo, Musicologist, Vicky Tzolis, Entrepreneur, Lila De Chaves, President of Friends of the Museum, Edie Fraser President, CEO of Diversity Best Practices, (DEP) - Business Women's Network (BWN), also Barbara Castle, President and CEO of Whip (Women in Public Policy) and Terry Neese, President WHIP Institute as well as Katerina Panagopoulos, Good Will Ambassador Fair Play of European Commission.

The Council's goal is to build bridges between Greek and American entrepreneurial communities and to advance the cause of women's rights in the arenas of business and education. The Council has sponsored numerous White House luncheons for prominent and influential businesswomen throughout the United States and Greece. In addition to her business activities, Ms. Alafoyiannis widely recognized for her strategic planning and interpersonal skills, has been highly active in public relations, event management and fundraising activities in the political arena. She has served as an advisor to former U.S. Congressman Joseph P. Kennedy (MA) and supports Mr. Kennedy in fundraising and public relations activities for the Greek-American and other minority communities. She is a Board Member of the Finance Committee of the Robert F. Kennedy Memorial. She founded and organized the Best Buddies Foundation in Greece with Anthony Kennedy Shriver, its Global President and CEO.

She is a Coalition Partner (Greece/Europe) of the political organization Women Impacting Public Policy (WIPP) and served as an ethnic group public relations team leader for Former First Lady and Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton. She was also instrumental in planning Ms. Clinton's visit to Greece , on the occasion of the 100 the anniversary of the Olympic Games. Top business and government dignitaries have found her to be an invaluable resource of support and counsel, including former Governor of New York, Mario Cuomo; U.S. Senators Paul Sarbanes and Hillary Rodham Clinton; U.S. Congress-woman and President and Co-Founder of the Greek Caucus Committee, Carolyn B. Maloney; Deputy Secretary of Education and Culture, Patricia Harrison and U.S. Congressman Gary Ackermann. WIPP's Terry Neese; Phyllis Hill-Slater, President, Chair of New York State Women Enterprises and member of the Bush-Cheney Transition Team; Jane Applegate, CNN Correspondent; Dr. Shirley Strum-Kenny, President of the State University of New York at Stony Brook; and Tina Knight, President of Knight Computer Cables, Inc. Her notable background and accomplishments have granted her numerous accolades and awards.

October 26, 2006 she was awarded with the First International Award for Advocacy Europe-USA
Strategic Alliance by the reknown organization BWN (Business Women Network and Diversity Best Practices)