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Under the auspices of the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Greece


  Capital Link Forum


  • Fortis is an international financial services provider engaged in banking and insurance. Fortis offers private business and institutional clients a comprehensive package of products and services through its own channels, in collaboration with intermediaries and through other distribution partners.
  • With a market capitalization of EUR 43 billion, Fortis ranks among the twenty largest financial institutions in Europe. Our sound solvency position, our presence in 50 countries and our dedicated, professional workforce of 58,000 enable us to combine global strength with local flexibility and provide our clients with optimum support.
  • Fortis BankĄ¯s Global Shipping Group, led by Mr. Harris Antoniou, consists of a dedicated group of specialists with a unique expertise in the shipping sector. It offers a complete range of financial products and services for the shipping industry worldwide. With a portfolio of about $7bn of commitments, Fortis is among the largest lenders in the maritime sector. We operate from a global network, with offices in London, Oslo, Athens, Rotterdam, Singapore, Hong Kong and New York.
  • Fortis Bank provides its clients with creative and tailor-made solutions for their unique financial requirements. FortisĄ¯ ship finance portfolio includes clients active in all sectors of the industry, including wet and dry bulk, reefer and container, gas, ro/ro and passenger vessels. In addition we are an active financier of the offshore industry, with part of the portfolio committed to offshore services for exploration and production.
  • In addition Fortis Bank offers equity and mezzanine finance through its shipping equity fund Maas Capital. Furthermore, its team of specialists provides financial advisory services, structured finance and capital market products.
  • FortisĄ¯ rapidly expanding investment banking arm has established a leading Wall Street expertise on the maritime sector with strong track record of large M&A and capital raising transactions. In the past 18 months, Fortis has brought large deals together such as Quintana Maritime's purchase of the Metrostar ships, Top Tanker's sale and lease-back project and Gulf Navigation's syndicated facility. Fortis has also participated as a co-manager and advisor in 13 initial public offerings (IPOs), adding value throughout the entire offering process.
  • Fortis activity in Greece dates back to 1996 when it established a representative office of the shipping desk. In early spring of 2006, Fortis became a full branch offering a wide range of products, including global market and cash management services not only to shipping customers but also to general corporates. Over the next year, Fortis Bank Athens intends to further solidify its position in the shipfinance market but also place a lot of emphasis on corporate type of transactions such as M&A, advisory, equity products. Fortis is also very active and innovative global Bank in Energy and has already started capitalizing on the combined efforts of a small team of local experts and its Energy professionals in Milan, London and Rotterdam. Finally, on the corporate side, the target group is about 100 companies listed on various business segments. The Athens branch currently numbers over 20 employees and is headed by Mr. George Arcadis who has been with Fortis for the last 10 years.

  • Harris Antoniou, Managing Director and Head of Global Shipping Group, +31 10 401 5151, harris.antoniou@nl.fortis.com
  • George Arcadis, General Manager & CEO of Fortis Bank Athens Branch, +30 210 954-4350, george.arcadis@fortis.com
  • Fotis Giannakoulis, Corporate Finance & Capital Markets, Shipping & Oil Services, +1 212 340 5434, fotis.giannakoulis@us.fortis.com