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Under the auspices of the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Greece


  Capital Link Forum


The long standing presence of "Kefalaio" magazine at business and economy fields in combination with the high qualified journalists' team pledge of its dominence as the absolute "magazine of power and money".

Its establishment on 1989 gave a new blow at the era of publications with special analysis and articles of notables in the market.

At the same time, it achieved to introduce a modern approach at the filed of news, by analyzing abstruse subjects in the most comprehensible way.

The authoritative references, vitally information and continuously contact of the magazine with its reading public and the Greek Authorities entrenched the publication as the strong economic edition.

Stable aim of "Kefalaio" is to provide qualified briefing for all subjects regarding domestic and global economy, business and stock market analysis, whilst watching closely and advising for all global and European business developments.

Magazine's addressed public

"Kefalaio" is being handed out through controlled circulation (subscribers) and delivered to a list of registered recipients which is unfailingly augmented and spread to a mass of economic and business sectors.

According to quality measurements, readers to whom the magazine is targeting are:

- Managers - Entrepreneurs
- Their age ranges between 35 - 44
- They are residents of urban and suburban areas
- They have higher and highest education level
- They belong to higher and highest social and income class

Points of eminence

- The only Greek magazine that goes deep into the financial market
- Dominates for 17 years the particular sector of business publications
- Analyzes with validity all of a businessman's issues
- Bends on a monthly basis of all leading entrepreneurs viewpoints
- Exclusively publishes articles from famous branded magazines Business Week and Capital
- Articles and conferences from the most experienced economic journalists


- Business: Issues occupying all market's participants, business stories and strategies
- Economy: Current economic developments, business potentials and all issues of a businessman's interest.
- Conferences: People with status and assessment about business and economy give their opinion at "Kefalaio"
- International: Presentation and analysis of strongest brands and leading banks worldwide

Magazine approaches issues of all of the economy's sectors, always detailed and validated