Dr. Anil Sharma
President & CEO
Global Marketing Systems, Inc.

Dr. Anil Sharma is the Founder, President and Chief Executive Officer of GMS (declared amongst the "Lloyd's List One Hundred 2010 most influential people in the shipping industry").

Originally from Bhavnagar (site of world's largest number of ship recycling yards in Alang) India, he earned his Master's (MBA) and Doctorate (DBA) degrees in Business Administration from universities in USA. Subsequently, Dr. Sharma worked in academia for 10 years moving rapidly through promotions from visiting lecturer to Chairman of the Business Department at Frostburg State University in Maryland (USA).

In 1992, Dr. Sharma launched GMS, primarily to buy old US and Russian Naval vessels for recycling. In May 1996, Dr. Sharma resigned from his fully tenured faculty position to devote full attention to the ever-expanding global activities of GMS. Business grew rapidly due to GMS's strong performance, clean dealings, competitive prices and professionalism. For the last several years, GMS has been the world's largest Cash Buyer of ships for recycling. In 2010, the company delivered in excess of 1.8 mill Mt LDT of tonnage and has delivered about 15 Million DWT in last 2 years. Some of the world's largest ship owners sell their ships exclusively to GMS.

Through Dr.Sharma efforts, GMS has contributed extensively to agendas that create a safer and responsible ship recycling processes. Dr. Sharma was invited as a delegate to the IMO's workshop on the proposed convention to Ship Recycling. He has written and spoken extensively on the topic of Ship Recycling at seminars and conferences worldwide. We are the world's FIRST ISO 9001:2000 certified Cash Buyer. We are also the FIRST Cash Buyer to develop and promote a Green Ship Recycling Program.

GMS has exclusive representatives in all of the major ship recycling markets in the world. The company has expanded its operations with the opening of an office in Dubai, UAE in 2009 and in Shanghai, China in 2010.

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