JP Geygan COO and Senior Vice President Global Value Investment Corp. (GVI) JP Geygan is chief operating officer, senior vice president, and portfolio manager at Global Value Investment Corp (“GVIC”), a value-oriented investment research and advisory firm. GVIC invests in public equity and corporate debt securities from issuers across sectors and geographies, building concentrated positions and adopting a long-term investment horizon. Mr. Geygan’s responsibilities at GVIC include oversight of GVIC’s initial and ongoing investment due-diligence process, portfolio implementation, and designing various legal and activist strategies employed by the firm. Mr. Geygan is also involved in formulating and disseminating the firm’s thought leadership on topics such as investment philosophy, capital allocation, and corporate governance. Prior to joining GVIC in 2017, Mr. Geygan held various roles with Wells Fargo & Company. Mr. Geygan hold a B.S. from the University of Wisconsin.