Orestis Kavalakis Governor of Recovery and Resilience Facility Coordination Agency (RRFA) Ministry of National Economy and Finance Orestis Kavalakis since August 2023 serves as Governor of the Recovery and Resilience Facility Coordination Agency (RRFA). The RRFA constitutes the lead national body tasked with the overall coordination and monitoring of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan and serves as the responsible body for the efficient use of the EU recovery funds deriving from the Next Generation EU and its key instrument, the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF). Prior to this position he was appointed as the Secretary General for Private Investments and PPPs (Ministry of Development and Investments), since September 2020. The portfolio of the General Secretariat of Private Investments & PPPs included private and strategic investments as well as PPPs. Since his appointment as Secretary General in September 2020, 31 PPP projects of approximately EUR 5 bn. development cost have been approved by the inter-Ministerial Committee for PPPs. Moreover 31 strategic investments in numerous sectors have been approved by the inter-Ministerial Committee for Strategic Investments amounting up to approximately EUR 7.5 bn. At the same time, during his tenure, significant legislative measures were voted in the strategic and private investments legal framework (l. 4864/2021 for the strategic investments and l. 4887/2022 new development law), while the administrative procedure for the implementation of investments has been accelerated and simplified. Orestis is a lawyer, holds degrees from both National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and from Queen Mary & Westfield College, University of London and has gained extensive experience in commercial law, corporate restructurings and insolvency procedures, while he has also held the position of Chief Compliance Officer for a large advisory firm.