Nicos John Koulis Partner, Chief Executive Officer DECA Investments AIFM Nicos Koulis is the CEO of DECA Investments AIFM, the investment manager of Diorama Investments Sicar, and Diorama Investments II, RAIF. These Luxembourg-based funds, which currently manage c EUR 330 million, take large minority or majority positions in attractive Greek SME and medium size companies. Deca Investments is an active shareholder seeking to improve significantly and grow its portfolio companies. Mr. Koulis started his career in New York City where he spent 18 years working with McKinsey & Company, The First Boston Corporation (M&A Group), and Bear Stearns & Co. where he was a Senior Managing Director in Investment Banking. Later he established an M&A advisory firm, which provided advisory and fundraising services to several international companies. He is a graduate of the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania (MBA 1983) and Athens University, School of Law (1979). He serves as a member of the BoD of several companies.