EFTIHIA PYLARINOU PIPER PRESENT: SR VP RED APPLE GROUP New York, USA Chief Audit and Compliance Executive, for Conglomerate owning and operating assets in the Energy, Real Estate, Finance, Insurance, Media, and Supermarket business. Member of Investment and Credit Committees. PAST: Reached top executive positions in US banking Institutions prior to moving to Greece to accept the Presidency of the Hellenic Industrial Development Bank. First woman to be elected President of a bank in Greece, was instrumental in major capital restructuring and modernization of the financial institution and carried out major privatization programs. Organized and promoted cross border business development in Southeastern Europe bringing, within two years, over 600 businesspeople from Greece, creating numerous successful joint ventures and strengthening the economic relationships of Greece with Romania, Bulgaria, and Albania. Raised over $50 million for a closed-end investment fund -New Millennium AEEX- and took it public in the Athens Stock Exchange. Created an investment company licensed by the capital markets committee to manage the fund. Raised venture capital funds and managed successfully through “Ithaca Ventures” investing in SMEs in Greece. Attracted major international companies in Energy, Financial Consulting, and Investment Banking to establish and develop business in Greece under her management. Honored by Romanian President Iliescu with an honorary citizenship. Honored by Brooklyn Borough President with a citation and the key to the borough. Invited as a lecturer in many economic conferences in Greece and abroad including the “World Economic Forum” in Davos, Switzerland, and Bankers Conferences in Bangkok, Romania, Czech Republic and the United States As a member of the Board of the “Development Banks Club”, participated in numerous meetings throughout the world with the Presidents and CEOs of major Investment and Development Banks. Held numerous Board positions and Presidencies in various Chambers of Commerce, International companies and Banks in Greece and the US. Founding member of ALBA University Post Graduate program. STUDIES: MBA, Finance & Management, Adelphi University, New York, NY Bachelor of Arts, Economics, Queens College (CUNY), New York, NY Attended Stonier Graduate School of Banking. Wharton UPenn.