Lucas Ribeiro Julien Vice President, DNV Maritime Regional Manager West Europe A naval architect, Lucas Ribeiro Julien, Brazilian by birth, graduated from the University of Sao Paulo – Brazil (POLI USP), having a strong technical background in areas such as ship newbuilding, ships in operation and certification of materials and components. With more than 35 years of experience in the global maritime industry, Lucas Ribeiro Julien has held a variety of production and managerial positions in DNV and has worked in 10 different countries. Since March 2023, Lucas is holding the position of the Maritime Regional Manager for West Europe. In his current role, he is based in Hamburg and is responsible for DNV’s maritime business and operation in West Europe, which is comprised of Area Germany, Switzerland and Austria, Area BeNeLux and France, Area UK & Ireland, Area Iberia, Italy and Malta. From 2016 to February 2023, he was the DNV Maritime Area Manager for Iberia, Italy and Malta. From 2012 till 2016, he was based in Kuala Lumpur and had the position of DNV Maritime Area Manager for Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, and Indonesia. Before working in Malaysia, Mr Ribeiro Julien was the Production, Quality and HSE Manager for Region Central Europe, including Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemburg