Wednesday, May 22, 2019 - The Metropolitan Club, New York City


Pete Keliuotis
Executive Vice President
Callan LLC

Pete Keliuotis, CFA, is an Executive Vice President and the head of Callan's Alternatives Consulting group, which includes the Private Equity and Hedge Fund Consulting teams. In addition to leading these teams, he performs research and advises clients' alternative investment portfolios. Previously, he was a senior managing director of Cliffwater LLC and a senior member of the Portfolio Advisory team, specializing in alternative investing for institutional clients. Prior to joining Cliffwater, Pete was a managing director and the CEO of Strategic Investment Solutions ("SIS"), where he led the General and Private Markets Consulting teams and advised several large institutional investors. Previous experience includes Mercer Investment Consulting, where Pete was a principal and senior consultant, Hotchkis and Wiley in Los Angeles and Northern Trust Company in Chicago.

Pete earned a BS in economics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, his MBA in analytic finance from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, and he is a holder of the right to use the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation.