Theo G. Baltatzis
General Manager
Technomar Shpping Inc.
Theo G. Baltatzis is the General Manager of Technomar Shpping Inc, Athens and has been involved in the shipping industry for 30 years out of which 15 years with Technomar.
He holds the following Degrees:
B.Sc Maths - University of Kent
B.Sc & MSc Marine Engineering - University of Newcastle
M.B.A - University of Surrey
Mr. Baltatzis was employed between 1985 and 1986 with British Shipbuilders Engineering and Technical Services Ltd, Pallion (U.K.) as a Technical Engineer, from 1986 to 1987 with Marine Design (U.K) Consultants as an Advanced Technical Engineering. In 1988 he joined European Navigation - Piraeus as a Superintendent Engineer till 1989, when he joined Silver Carriers S.A.- Piraeus as a Superintendent Engineer till 1999. On 1999 he was promoted to Deputy Technical Manager till 1994. He was then employed by Maryville Maritime Inc. as Technical Manager and then as General Manager till June 2000. On 2000 he joined Technomar as General Manager.
He is currently the Co-Chairman of the RINA Technical Committee and a member of each of B.V. and NKK Technical Committees.