
Barron's (www.barrons.com) is America's premier financial magazine, renowned for its market-moving stories. Published by Dow Jones & Company since 1921, it reaches an audience of top corporate executives, institutional investors, individual investors and financial professionals. With new content available every week in print and every business day online, Barron's provides readers with a comprehensive review of the market's recent activity, coupled with in-depth, sophisticated reports on what's likely to happen in the market in the days and weeks to come...more

Michael R. Bloomberg's founding vision in 1981 was to create an information-services, news and media company that provides business and financial professionals with the tools and data they need on a single, all-inclusive platform. The success of Bloomberg L.P. is due to the constant innovation of our products, unrivaled dedication to customer service and the unique way in which we constantly adapt to an ever-changing marketplace. The New York-based company employs more than 10,000 people in over 126 offices around the world. Bloomberg is about information: accessing it, reporting it, analyzing it and distributing it, faster and more accurately than any other organization...more

Digital Ship is the commercial maritime world's authority on satellite communications, software, navigation technology and computer based training. Established in August 2000, Digital Ship publishes a monthly full colour print and electronic magazine, organises six large conference / exhibitions every year in Hong Kong / Singapore, Dubai, Oslo, the USA, Cyprus and Athens, and runs a series of one day sector-specific events. We also provide an online newsletter and networking service to help executives in the maritime industry stay ahead of the very latest developments in shipping IT...more

ELNAVI is the biggest and most respected Greek shipping magazine as its 2004 sales reached to the record figure of 417,000 euro. The magazine analyzes every month the most important shipping events in the Greek and global maritime industry. ELNAVI was established in 1974 and today has 4,000 subscribers which is the highest readership amongst all Greek shipping magazines...more

Fairplay is the international shipping weekly. That is what we say on our front cover and that is what drives our editorial team of staff and correspondents worldwide. Focusing on topics with an international importance, we aim to deliver news, comment and analysis that is as sharp now as it was in 1883, when our founder Thomas Hope Robinson first committed Fairplay to "calling things by their proper name."
Fairplay's editorial team combines experience and understanding from across the industry, since most of the full time writers have personal experience of the topics they are covering, giving their reporting real authority...more

Institutional Investor is a leading international business to business publisher, focused primarily on international finance. It publishes magazines, newsletters and journals as well as research, directories, books and maps. It also runs conferences, seminars and training courses and is a provider of electronic business information through its capital market databases and emerging markets information service.
Institutionalinvestor.com is the portal website for Institutional Investor products, conferences and events....more

SINCE its birth in Edward Lloyd's London coffee shop in 1734, Lloyd's List has been informing and guiding the thinking of business leaders and decision-makers the world over. Two and a half centuries later, the culture that spawned the provision of expert, authoritative coverage of the global shipping markets is as strong as ever. But Lloyd's List is not solely about shipping. On this internet site and in the pages of our daily newspaper you will also find in-depth coverage of marine insurance, offshore energy, logistics, global trade and law...more

Since September of 1995, Maritime Global Net (MGN) has been an open resource to maritime professionals looking for news, industry sites, market information, and general contact details. Traffic has grown over the years and now averages over 200,000 user visits per month. MGN offers access to products, services, news and other industry related data. MGN includes the details of over 80,000 maritime-related companies and contacts, from industry associations to world ports.

Platts is the world leader in providing energy information. For nearly a century, Platts has helped to enable ever-changing global energy markets enhance their performance through such offerings as independent industry news and price benchmarks. From 15 offices worldwide, Platts covers the oil, natural gas, electricity, nuclear power, coal, petrochemical and metals markets. Additional information on Platts real-time news and price assessment services, publications,...more

The First True Business Journal for Maritime Executives Strategies & solutions through case studies, interviews and articles that address the most critical issues in the maritime industry today. Only The Maritime Executive provides such depth of insight into the decision making process of leaders throughout the maritime world. The Maritime Executive is the only vehicle so sharply focused to deliver essential information from maritime decision makers to other maritime decision makers - an indispensable weapon in your arsenal for further business success...more

TradeWinds is the single most important business news provider to the global shipping industry and the most successful with more than 49,000 dedicated readers throughout the world's maritime centres. Its enviable position is the result of a dedicated, single-minded pursuit of hard-hitting and entertaining journalism in a market awash with uncritical reporting...more
