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Richard Corwin
Former Head
Gard North America
Lafayette College, A.B. 1967; St. John's University, JurisDoctor 1970.
Maritime Lawyer (Haight Gardner) 1971-75, (Walker & Corsa) 1975-95: Legal/arbitral disputes for vessel owners/operators/managers and voyage/time charterers.
1995-2005: Responsible for Gard P&I NY office handling / supervising cargo, pollution, collision, general average, charter party, contract of affreightment, bill of lading, service agreement, personal injury and illness claims in North America for vessel owner/charterer assureds; personal handling of FD&D matters.
2005-2015: Managing Director/Regional Director Gard Asia (resident in Hong Kong and Tokyo) handling P&I, FD&D, H&M claims/casualties; personal handling of claims/casualties/FD&D matters and, later, select complex/high value casualties (retired from Gard in 2015).
Member: Society of Maritime Arbitrators, Maritime Law Association of the United States, New York City Bar Association.