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Murray Fisher
Executive Director, New York Harbor Foundation
Co-Founder, New York Harbor School & Billion Oyster Project
Murray Fisher, Executive Director of the New York Harbor Foundation, has established himself as a leader and spokesperson for marine-based restoration and education in the New York metropolitan region. Broadly, he aims to engage young people in the restoration of New York Harbor; and to use that restoration work to develop a workforce on the waterfront that reflects the city demographically, and that has an intimate relationship with the marine world.
After leaving the environmental group Waterkeeper Alliance in 2002, Murray co-founded the New York Harbor School and led the development of the school's now six state-approved Career and Technical Education programs in marine fields. He also led the move to Governors Island and the renovation of two new state-of-the-art educational facilities.
He also co-founded the Billion Oyster Project, a citywide initiative of the New York Harbor Foundation aimed at engaging the city's youth in planting one billion live oysters in the Harbor by 2035.