Dalibor Gogic
Principal Analyst
IHS Maritime & Trade

Dalibor is a maritime professional with a solid academic background in Shipping and International Trade with vast experience in various aspect of shipping business including, but not limited to, trade and shipping analysis, import/export. Dalibor is a member of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers with MSc in Ship and Shipping Management from Southampton, and a BSc in Martime Studies from Kotor Maritime University, Montenegro.

Dalibor has a deep knowledge of the oil chartering market and the cost and economics of transport and trade. Before joining IHS Dalibor was a shipping analyst at Worldscale Association in London. Here he was heavily involved in the calculation of spot market rates and analysis of port cost variance and transit cost/time variances. Dalibor provides comments on developments in the various shipping markets and variables that influence these particular trades.

Since joining IHS in 2013, Dalibor has been involved in the development of the Fleet Capacity Forecast providing guidance on vessel classes, demand drivers, trade flows and their interaction for different shipping fleets segments. Dalibor is the lead analyst on the forecast, providing analysis on individual fleets. Further involvement in other projects involves insight into freight rates, trade flows and market dynamics.

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