Jose Matheickal
Chief of the Department of Partnerships and Projects
Global Industry Alliance, IMO
Dr. Matheickal leads the Department of Partnerships and Projects at the UN's International Maritime Organization (IMO). In this role he has been spearheading IMO's efforts to enhance its partnership efforts, promote innovation and implement a large portfolio of long-term technical cooperation projects, specifically focusing on building capacity in developing countries (major projects such as GloBallast, GloMEEP, GloFouling, GreenVoyage2050, GHG-SMART, GloLitter, MEPSEAS, SENSREC etc). He also founded the innovative Global Industry Alliance (GIA), a flagship public-private partnership initiative of IMO which currently consists of three sub-GIAs focussing on low-carbon shipping, hull fouling and marine plastic litter. Some of his recent initiatives include the Financing Sustainable Maritime Transport (FINSMART) roundtable of key International Financial Institutions, Maritime Innovation Forum for Low-carbon shipping and creation of the NextGEN network to connect the various decarbonisation initiatives around the world. He also took a lead in establishing IMO's Global Network of Maritime Technology Cooperation Centres. Dr. Matheickal obtained his Masters Degree in environmental engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) and his Ph.D. Degree from Griffith University, Australia as a Sir John Crawford Scholar. His key areas of interest include public-private partnerships, maritime innovation, blue economy, climate change mitigation, green financing, capacity building projects and technology transfer. He has over 100 scientific publications and an international patent to his credit.