"Shipping - Is it all Glitter and Gold?"

3 Days Event - 21 Sessions - 90+ Speakers
Tuesday to Thursday, October 12 - 14, 2021 - Digital Forum

In Partnership With

In Cooperation With

Global Lead Sponsor

Global Gold Sponsors

Global Sponsors


Supporting Sponsors

Speakers Cocktail Reception


Brian Gallagher
Head of Investor Relations

Brian Gallagher joined Euronav in March 2014 and was appointed Head of Investor Relations. He began his fund management career at the British Coal Pension fund unit, CIN Management, before moving to Aberdeen Asset Management in 1996.

Managing and marketing a range of UK investment products Brian Gallagher then progressed to Murray Johnstone in 1999 and then was headhunted by Gartmore Investment Management in 2000 to manage a range of UK equity income products.

In 2007 he then set up a retail fund at UBS Global Asset Management before switching into Investor Relations as IR Director at APR Energy in 2011.

Brian Gallagher (1970) graduated in Economics from Birmingham University in 1992.