CSR - A Competitive Advantage

The need for increased CSR activities by companies is not just mandated by a growing regulatory trend.  Market forces also push to this direction as charterers increasingly demand their business partners to adopt and implement CSR policies of their own.  A consistent CSR commitment and track record can become a differentiating factor and a competitive advantage from an operational and commercial point of view. It can also impact the valuation and cost of capital for listed companies as investors may perceive them as safer and more sustainable investment choices.


Mission & Objective 

Our objective is to help raise awareness about the practice and benefits of CSR in the shipping and offshore industries.  We seek to provide companies with additional incentives by publicizing the benefits of CSR not only to a wider audience of shipping and offshore industries, but also the investment and financial communities as well as the public at large.  In doing so, we aim to become a centralized informational source and communications platform on the topic of CSR, linking industry, government and non-governmental organizations, industry associations, the financial and investment community and the public.


CSR - An Irreversible Trend & Increasingly Important Issue

With greater industry sophistication, awareness, and expectations, CSR is an increasingly important issue that shipping and offshore companies cannot afford to ignore.  The recent oil spill accidents demonstrate just how environmental negligence has an adverse effect on long-term growth rates and business health for companies.  Yet, the disregard for the environment does not only extend to oil spills.  Violation of employees’ human rights, carbon emissions, damaging ballast and bilge water, substandard ships, and the lack of regulation enforcement all contribute to environmental and societal harm.

There are over 2,700 organizations working to promote CSR in more than 105 countries today.  In an industry as global and multicultural as maritime and offshore shipping, organizations ignoring social priorities are in danger of losing a competitive advantage in terms of gaining market share, attracting top talent, and preserving employee retention.  It seems appropriate, then, for maritime shipping and offshore companies to realize that a successful business model for CSR and corporate social performance (CSP) is not only possible, but also comes hand in hand. 


1st Annual Shipping & Offshore CSR Forum

In order to address the complex issues of incorporating CSR as part of a sustainable and competitive business model, Capital Link presents its 1st Annual Shipping & Offshore CSR Forum on Thursday, October 27, 2011, in London, recognizing its importance as a hub for the global shipping and offshore industry.



For further information, contact either Vicky Siabini at vsiabani@capitallink.com or +30 210 610 9800, or contact Maria Chercheletzi at marketing@capitallink.com or +30 210 610 9800.

For sponsorship opportunities, contact Nicolas Bornozis at nbornozis@capitallink.com or call +1 (212) 661-7566.


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