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Bjorn Emtage
Environmental Policy Branch, Maritime & Coastguard Agency
Department for Transport, UK
Bjorn Emtage recently joined the Environmental Policy Branch at the UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) who are actively involved in the development, implementation and enforcement of maritime environmental policy.
The Branch is involved in the production of EU and international initiatives and their transposition into UK law. The overall aim of this work is to promote clean and safe seas through environmentally sustainable shipping. Bjorn is currently working closely with the Department for Transport and other Government Agencies towards the UK implementation of the EU Ship Recycling Regulation.
His background is a brief career at sea with Carnival UK before joining the MCA in 2008 as part of the Seafarer Training & Certification Branch. In October 2014 he was seconded into his current role as Assistant Policy Adviser in the Environmental Policy Branch.