Mr. Schmiedl joined Columbia Shipmanagement in 2005, initially as a Crewing Superintendent and was later appointed head of the Crewing Department in the Hamburg office in 2006. In 2010 he was moved to a non-operational, strategic Marine HR role and as Human Resource Manager Seagoing Personnel managed the worldwide crewing office network of Columbia Shipmanagement. Part of this role included advising on remuneration packages of all seagoing personnel. In 2014 Mr. Schmiedl moved to Cyprus and was appointed as Crewing Director leading the crewing activities of Columbia Shipmanagement.
Mr. Schmiedl studied in Germany and New Zealand and holds Engineering and Business Management degrees. He is a member of the INTERTANKO Human Element in Shipping Committee, the Cyprus Shipping Chamber Manning and Training Committee as well as the Cyprus Shipping Chamber Labour Affairs Committee.