Capital Link’s 17th Annual Greek Investor Forum will take place at the Metropolitan Club in New York City on Monday, December 14, 2015. Greece has been going through a time of unprecedented difficulty and change, as the country restructures its economy and strives to embark on a period of renewed growth and stability. A lot of progress has been achieved, but there are still significant challenges ahead. Developments in Greece have far reaching implications for the European Union and the global economy.
This Forum will provide the audience with a unique blend of informational, marketing and networking opportunities. December mark’s the 17 year milestone of Capital Link’s commitment to raising awareness about Greece as an investment destination, to a wider investor universe.
Held in cooperation with the New York Stock Exchange, this Forum is a collaborative event. Major global investment banks, as well as U.S. and international organizations allow Capital Link to provide forum participants with a comprehensive review of government reforms, policies, and objectives. Looking to the future, it will underscore both new and ongoing government and private sector initiatives meant to attract direct investment in Greece. An extensive network of key businesses, companies, investment communities, and government officials will also be at attendees’ disposal as will speakers, sponsors, and guests. In doing so, Capital Link remains committed to its aim of raising awareness about Greece as an investment destination to a wider investor audience.
Monday, December 14th, 2015, Metropolitan Club in New York City, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm - 17th Annual Capital Link Invest in Greece Forum
This Forum, is organized by Capital Link in cooperation with NYSE Euronext. Speakers from the Greek Delegation of government officials and business leaders will update US investors on the developments and reforms in the Greek economy and on opportunities ahead. The program will also feature executives from major investment banks who support our event, as well as, other market experts.
Important participation to This Year’s Forum so far include :
H.E. Alexis Tsipras, Prime Minister of the Hellenic Republic who will send the Government's message to the international investor Community via webcast;
Three Greek Government Ministers:
- Hon. George Stathakis, Minister of Economy, Development & Tourism - Will present via webcast the New Investment Landscape in Greece
- Hon. Dimitris Mardas, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs – International Economic Relations & Investments - Luncheon Keynote Speaker
- Hon. Elena Kountoura, Alternate Minister of Tourism - Speaker on Tourism & Hospitality
Seven global investment banks
Citi, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, BNP Paribas, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, UBS Investment Bank, and the Greek Investment Bank Axia Ventures Group
4 Greek Systematic Banks:
- Alpha Bank - Mr. Theodore Athanassopoulos, Head of Wholesale NLP Management
- National Bank of Greece - Mr. Leonidas Fragiadakis, CEO
- Eurobank Ergasias SA - Mr. Nicholas Karamouzis, Chairman & Emeritus Professor – University of Piraeus,
- Piraeus Bank Group - Mr. Anthimos Thomopoulos, CEO
- Piraeus Bank Group - Mr. Theophilos Constantinidis, Senior Advisor to the CEO, Special Situations Group -
- Hellenic Financial Stability Fund – Mr. Aris Xenofos, CEO
All European Institutions
- Mr. Declan Costello, Director - European Commission, Directorate-General for Economic & Financial Affairs, Economies of the member States
- Mr. Nicola Giammarioli, Head of Strategy & Institutional Relations - European Stability Mechanism
- Mr. Rasmus Rüffer, Head of Mission, Directorate General Economics, Monetary Policy Strategy Division - European Central Bank
- Ms. Delia Velculescu, European Department, IMF Mission Chief for Greece - International Monetary Fund
- Mr. Charles Dallara, Executive Vice Chairman - Partners Group & former Chairman - International Institute of Finance
Top US investors including:
- Mr. John Calamos Sr., Chairman, CEO and Global Co-Chief Investment Officer - Calamos Investments
- Mr. George Logothetis, Chairman & CEO - The Libra Group
- Mr. John Alfred Paulson, President - Paulson & Co.
- Mr. Wilbur Ross, President - WL Ross & Co.
- Mr. William Vrattos, Partner & Portfolio Manager - York Capital Management
Corporate CEOs from Greece and the United States
Representatives from Multinational Companies & from International Financial Institutions:
Aegean Airlines & Olympic Air, Aquis Hotels & Resorts, A.S. Papadimitriou & Partners Law Firm, Atlantic Bank, Axia Ventures Group, CarVal Investors, Grivalia Properties, PPC S.A, NBG Pangaea REIC, Energean S.A., EY, HP Inc., First Athens Corporate Finance SA, INTRALOT SA, International Finance Corporation, Libra Group, Investor Bank, Marathon Asset Management, McKinsey & Company Greece, New York Stock Exchange, ONEX, OTE Group, Reed Smith, Shearman & Sterling (London) LLP, Τhe Libra Group, Watson Farley & Williams
Shipping Companies:
Danaos Corporations (NYSE:DAC), Dorian Gas Ltd. (NYSE:LPG), Euroseas Ltd. (NASDAQ:ESEA), and Tsakos Energy Navigation (NYSE:TNP)
As in previous years, the Forum will provide foreign investors with a unique networking capability through more than 150 one-to-one meetings with listed and unlisted companies, as well as, with members of the Greek government delegation.
1,200+ US and Greek government and business leaders traditionally attend the Forum providing the audience with a unique blend of informational, marketing and networking opportunities. December marks the 16th year milestone of Capital Link’s commitment to raising awareness about Greece as an investment destination, to a wider investor universe.
This extensive network of global corporations, investment community, government officials, speakers, media and guests are made accessible to sponsors offering you global visibility at the highest level.
This year marks a 17th year effort to promote Greece abroad and help attract foreign investors.
Monday, December 14, 2015 - Annual Hellenic Capital Link Leadership Award Dinner - Yacht Club, New York City. 7:00 cocktails. 8:00 dinner.
The “2015 Hellenic Capital Link Leadership Award” will be presented at the conclusion of the Capital Link's 17th Annual Greek Investor Forum. This year we are honoring Dr. Anthony Papadimitriou, President to the Board of Directors of Alexander S. Onassis Foundation & Managing Partner of A.S. Papadimitriou & Partners Law Firm for his contribution to promoting Greece and Hellenism and for his numerous educational, cultural and philanthropic initiatives globally and specifically for Greece The Award Ceremony will take place after an Official Dinner at the New York Yacht Club.
Introductory Remarks will be made by Mr. Panos Papazoglou, Country Managing Partner Greece & CSE South Cluster Leader and the award presentation will be made by H.E. Ambassador C. Panagopoulos. Master of Ceremony will be Mr. Athanasios Ellis, Senior Editor and Columnist, Kathimerini.
Honored Guests & Brief Remarks by:
- Hon. Dimitris Mardas, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs – International Economic Relations & Investments of the Hellenic Republic
- Hon. Elena Kountoura, Alternate Minister for Tourism, Hellenic Republic
- Dr. Anthony Papadimitriou, President to the Board of Directors of Alexander S. Onassis Foundation & Managing Partner of A.S. Papadimitriou & Partners Law Firm
Tuesday, December 15, 2015 – Greek Day at the New York Stock Exchange. Special Reception and ringing of the Closing Bell.
We will celebrate Greek Day at the NYSE. Followed by a formal reception, the Greek Delegation will ring the Closing Bell at the NYSE.
An event of unique visibility throughout the world.
For further information, contact Eleni Bej, Director of Special Events, at or call +1 (212) 661-7566.
For sponsorship opportunities, contact Nicolas Bornozis at or call +1 (212) 661-7566.