Henriette Brent-Petersen
Head of Shipping & Offshore Research

Before joining DVB Bank, Henriette Brent-Petersen was heading the Maersk Broker Research Department for almost a decade. Maersk Broker Research provide shipping research on all segments of the maritime shipping industry for international shipping companies, banks and other stakeholders as a consultancy service. Furthermore, Henriette has a strong financial background from Citibank where she started as a Management Associate and worked for several years as a relationship manager before joining Maersk Broker in 2003.

Henriette started her working life as a country and bank analyst covering Eastern Europe and CIS with the Danish ECA, Eksport Kredit Fonden. Henriette holds a master degree in economic science from the Copenhagen University and has worked as an external teacher, lecturer and examiner for almost a decade with the Copenhagen Business School - initially in the field of financial statement analysis and marketing, but today in relation to the blue MBA at CBS".

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