Erik Helberg
Clarksons Platou Securities

Erik Helberg took on the helm as CEO at RS Platou Markets in November 2009 after joining in October the same year. Prior to joining RS Platou Markets, Erik Helberg was Partner & Head of Shipping Research at Pareto Securities. He has received numerous awards from top analyst ranking agencies such as StarMine & Prospera, and holds amongst other awards, three #1 rankings as best stock picker in Europe/Norway. Erik Helberg has extensive industry and business experience from all types of ECM transactions and M&A assignments in Europe, Asia and the US and holds a Master of Science degree in shipping, trade and finance from City University Business School in London and a Candidatus Magisterii in law from the University of Oslo.

The RS Platou Markets Group is a fully licensed investment bank headquartered in Oslo, with a wholly owned subsidiary in New York holding a broker-dealer and best-effort underwriting license in the United States. As the investment banking arm of the world's leading ship- and offshore broker RS Platou ASA, the RS Platou Markets Group are very dedicated and active within the Shipping and Offshore sectors.

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