Mikhail Shapiro
Glencore i/o Glencore Energy UK Ltd

Mikhail Shapiro heads up Glencore’s IMO 2020 preparations as well as the Marine Fuels department. Mikhail has been in the industry for over 14 years and has held various roles, including: marine fuels marketing, operations, blending, chartering as well as derivative and physical oil trading in various regions around the world. Mikhail is a member of the ISO marine fuels specifications working group.

Glencore is one of the world’s leading marketers of physical commodities, sourcing commodities and products from a global supplier base and selling them to customers all over the world.

Glencore transports commodities by sea, rail and truck, storing them, processing them, and delivering them to the customers. Glencore has a substantial shipping portfolio and access to a range of logistics, storage and investment capabilities.

Glencore has an extensive marine fuels supply network, servicing multiple bunkering hubs around the world.