Ravi Khosla is the Head of Solid Fuels Trading and is responsible for developing the global coal & freight trading business units of RWE Supply & Trading GmbH. The activity encompasses both derivatives and physical trading including managing the global logistics team. He has been with RWE for 17 years, of which 16 years have been in RWE Supply & Trading predominantly in the area of coal & freight trading.
In 2011 he was the CEO of RWE Trading Americas developing the physical and financial coal trading activities in the US markets. From 2004 he ran the Freight Trading business unit which mainly dealt in dry bulk physical & financial activity, though for a short spell also looked after the company's tanker exposure. From 2001 to 2004 he was responsible for trading coal and freight derivatives. Prior to joining RWE Supply & Trading GmbH, he spent 12 months with Rhein Oel, a subsidiary of RWE's former oil trading company.