Mr. Leon Lai is now serving as Chief Officer in High Speed Craft company. As a young seafarer representative, Leon has been elected as the Executive Council member of AUSHK since 2015 and responsible for labour rights promotion and young seafarer organizing. Since elected as Executive Council member, Leon emphasizes on the promotion of unionism and seafarer trainings for young seafarer, he has organized and participated in various exchange activities with MSTI and unions in other regions in exploring new modes of young seafarer and maritime students servicing. Leon also joined various advisory boards by Marine Department in representing the union's voice in the industry. Leon finished his training of "Track 4bis Workshop for the ITF Affiliates on the ILO Maritime Labour Convention, 2006" in Maritime Labour Academy, Turin this year and will extend his focus on the MLC2006 implementation in the region.
Leon Lai
Chief Officer/ Executive Council Member
Amalgamated Union of Seafarers, Hong Kong