Jason Lam is the full-time Inspector appointed by the International Transport Worker's Federation (ITF). He joined the union since 2007 and then nominated by MNOG-HK as the only ITF Inspector in Hong Kong since 2015. The ITF has a network of around 140 Inspectors, based in 125 ports of 57 countries. ITF Inspector inspect the ships calling in their ports, to ensure the seafarers have decent pay, working conditions and living conditions on board. Besides conducting routine inspections and ship visits on request of the crew, they also assist with actions to protect seafarers' rights as permitted by law. In 2018 the ITF inspectorate recorded more than 10,500 inspections/ cases and recovered more than USD$38 million in owed wages. In 2019, Jason has been assigned as the coordinator of the ITF Asia/ Pacific Contacts Network followed with significant increase of seafarers requesting assistance from countries without ITF inspector. The network of contacts in the Asia/Pacific region to cover 8 countries without ITF inspector.
Jason Lam
ITF Hong Kong Inspector
ITF Asia/ Pacific Contacts Network Coordinator
Assistant Head, ITF Hong Kong FOC Campaign Office