Ms. Doris Sin is currently the Assistant Head of the ITF Hong Kong FOC Campaign Office in holding the Dockers Organizing projects and assisting in the ITF Flag of Convenience Campaign in Hong Kong and in the region. Doris worked as part-time organizer of ITF Hong Kong Dockers Project from 2009 to 2013. Before joining the ITF FOC Campaign Office, she worked as the Lead Organizer in local union federation in organizing unions in various transport sectors, and also responsible for legislative and policies initiatives and researches in areas covering workplace health and safety, standard working hours, rights of collective bargaining and civil servants wages scale reform. In 2018, Doris helped with the establishment and running project of the Hong Kong International Seafarer Services Centre, with aim of connecting seafarer, dockers and other logistic workers, in Hong Kong and worldwide.
Doris Sin
Assistant Head, ITF Hong Kong FOC Campaign Office Secretary
Hong Kong International Seafarer Services Centre