Maritime Leaders Summit

On Monday, June 5, 2023, Capital Link & DNV will host the Maritime Leaders Summit at the Clarion Hotel The Hub in Oslo, Norway.

The Forum will take place within the context of Nor-Shipping 2023, which brings together maritime leaders from all over the world.

Gathering up leaders and decision makers from across shipping’s value chain, this international thought leadership event will cover topics related to new energy landscape, maritime challenges, environmental regulations, technology, outlook of the various shipping markets and access to capital.

Featured Keynote Roundtable Discussion

Mr. Kitack Lim
Secretary General
International Maritime Organization (IMO)
Mr. Knut Ørbeck-Nilssen
DNV Maritime


Commercial and Investment Bankers • Charterers • Classification Societies • Commodity and Energy Traders • Flag Registry • Finance Providers • Financial Advisors • Financial and Trade Media • Hedge Fund Managers • Institutional Investors • P&I Executives • Lawyers and Insurers • Market Analysts and Consultants • Private Equity Firms • Risk Advisors • Ship Managers • Ship Operators • Shipowners • Shipbrokers • Sovereign Wealth Funds • Venture Capital Firms


For sponsorship and speaking opportunities, please contact Nicolas Bornozis, Olga Bornozi or Anny Zhu at or call +1 212 661-7566.

For further information, contact Eleni Bej at or +1 212 661-7566.

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Forum Speakers

Jerry Kalogiratos
Capital Product Partners L.P. (CPLP)