Annual Awards for Closed-End Funds, ETF's & Analysts
Within the context of the Annual Capital Link Forum on Closed-End Funds and Global ETFs, we also organize annually two categories of Awards.
The first category is the Closed-End Funds and the ETP/ETF Awards, aimed to identify and recognize those fund sponsors and executives who consistently apply high standards of financial disclosure, investor and shareholder relations and product innovation. The Awards are based on nominations by a committee of analysts and industry specialists who actively follow CEFs and ETP/ETFs. There are separate Nominating Committees for CEFs and ETFs.
The second category of Awards is the CEF & ETP/ETF Analyst Awards aimed to recognize those firms and individual analysts who contribute the most to the development of the CEF and ETP/ETF sectors with their research work. The Awards are based on nominations by a committee of industry participants from CEFs and ETFs. There are separate Nominating Committees for CEFs and ETFs.
Capital Link is not part of any Nominating Committee.
The Awards are presented during the luncheon of the Annual Capital Link Forum on Closed-End Funds and Global ETFs which is organized every April in New York City.
The Awards receive wide recognition and publicity.

Most Innovative Closed-End Fund in 2013To the Fund Sponsor who came up with the most innovative product in 2013.
DoubleLine Income Solutions Fund (DSL) Best Shareholder Relations by a Non-US Equity Fund Family in 2013To the Fund Sponsor who practices best financial disclosure and is proactive in shareholder communications.
Aberdeen Asset ManagementBest Shareholder Relations by a US Equity Fund Family in 2013To the Fund sponsor who practices best financial disclosure and is proactive in shareholder communications.
Nuveen InvestmentsBest Shareholder Relations by a Fixed Income Fund Family in 2013To the Fund Sponsor who practices best financial disclosure and is proactive in shareholder communications.
Nuveen InvestmentsBest Investor Relations CEF Website in 2013To the Fund Sponsor who maintains the most informative and user friendly financial website.
Nuveen InvestmentsFor Contribution to the Closed-End Fund Sector in 2013Awarded to an individual for his/her contribution to the Closed-End Fund sector in 2013.
Jeffrey Margolin, Senior Vice President & Closed-End Fund Analyst, First Trust Advisors

Most Innovative ETP in 2013To the Fund Sponsor who came up with the most innovative product in 2013.
db X-trackers Harvest China ETF (ASHR) Best Shareholder Relations by an ETP Sponsor in 2013To the Fund Sponsor who practices best financial disclosure and is proactive in shareholder communications.
iShares / BlackRock Best Investor Relations Website in 2013To the Fund Sponsor who maintains the most informative and user friendly financial website.
iShares / BlackRock Most Innovative Index / Index Based ETP in 2013To the Fund Sponsor who came up with the most innovative index / index based ETP in 2013.
iShares MSCI USA Quality Factor (QUAL)For Contribution to the Exchange-Traded Fund sector in 2013Awarded to an individual for his/her contribution to the ETF sector in 2013.
Ed McRedmond, Senior Vice President, Institutional & Portfolio Strategies, Invesco PowerShares

Best Research Analyst for Closed-End Funds in 2013Awarded to the Analyst that had the best research coverage & contributions to the Closed-End Fund sector in 2013.
Alexander Reiss, Director, Closed-End Fund Research - Stifel Nicolaus
Best Research Analyst for Exchange Traded Products in 2013Awarded to the Analyst that had the best research coverage & contributions to the ETP/ETF sector in 2013.
Michael Jabara, Executive Director, Head of Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF) and Closed-End Fund Research - Morgan Stanley Smith Barney