Monday, December 10, 2018 - The Metropolitan Club

Forum Overview

The 20th Annual Capital Link Invest in Greece Forum will take place at the Metropolitan Club in New York City on Monday, December 10, 2018. This is an International Summit about Greece in New York organized in cooperation with the New York Stock Exchange and major global investment banks. The Forum will feature government and business leaders from Greece, Europe and the United States, and top executives from the investment, financial and business communities. The timing for this Forum is optimal. After years of recession, Greece is slowly returning to a period of economic growth and aims to position itself as an attractive investment and business destination. 


This Forum will provide the audience with a unique blend of informational, marketing and networking opportunities. December mark’s the 20 year milestone of Capital Link’s commitment to raising awareness about Greece as an investment destination, to a wider investor universe. 


The conference will feature the developments and reforms in the Greek economy and the Greek government programme for the economy and investments. Also, the latest trends in the capital markets and specific sectors  with topics such as Government and Corporate Bonds, energy, infrastructure development, real estate, tourism, banking, non-performing loans management, and global shipping.


Monday, December 10th, 2018
Metropolitan Club in New York City
8:00 am – 6:00 pm - 20th Annual Capital Link Invest in Greece Forum

The Forum is organized in cooperation with the New York Stock Exchange.


H.E. Alexis Tsipras
Prime Minister of the Hellenic Republic
(via webcast)


Hon. Euclid Tsakalotos
Minister of Finance of the Hellenic Republic


Hon. Elena Kountoura
Minister of Tourism of the Hellenic Republic
Hon. George Chouliarakis
Alternate Minister of Finance of the Hellenic Republic


The Forum concludes with a dinner and a dialogue between business executives & government leaders of Greece and the United States.

The New York Yacht Club
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm -  Annual Capital  Link  Hellenic  Leadership  Awards  Dinner

The “2018 HELLENIC CAPITAL LINK LEADERSHIP AWARD” will be presented to
Mr. Evangelos Mytilineos, Chairman & CEO – Mytilineos
for his outstanding contribution to Greece

Mr. C. Dean Metropoulos
Chairman & CEO, Metropoulos & Company


Mr. Matthew Palmer
Deputy Assistant Secretary - European and Eurasian Affairs
U.S. Department of State


Previous recipients of the award were Secretary of Commerce US, Mr. Wilbur L. Ross, Chairman and Chief Strategy Officer of WL Ross & Co, Mr. André Calantzopoulos, CEO, Philip Morris International, Dr. Anthony Papadimitriou, President to the Board of Directors of Alexander S. Onassis Foundation & Managing Partner of A.S. Papadimitriou & Partners Law Firm, Mr. George Logothetis, Chairman & CEO of Libra Group, Mr. John Calamos, Chairman, CEO & Global Co-Chief Investment Officer of Calamos Investments and Mr. Andrew N. Liveris, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of The Dow Chemical Company


Tuesday, December 11th, 2018
Greek Day at the New York Stock Exchange

On Tuesday, December 11th, 2018, we will celebrate "Greek Day at the New York Stock Exchange" where the Greek Delegation, Greek companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange and companies which participated in the forum will ring the Closing Bell at the New York Stock Exchange, an event of unique visibility throughout the world. The event will be broadcast live on major news stations in the United States and abroad to an audience of millions of viewers worldwide.

Management of Top U.S. Corporations with an active interest or involvement with Greece and The Greater Region • Institutional Investors in Greek Equities & Fixed Income Securities • Portfolio Managers & Analysts • Commercial and Investment Bankers • Financial Advisors and Brokers • Financial Media & Press

For more information, please contact: Eleni Bej, Director of Event Operations at or +1(212)661-7566 in NY

For sponsorship opportunities please contact: Nicolas Bornozis or Olga Bornozis or Anny Zhu at or +1 (212) 661-7566.

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Music by Menelaos Kanakis

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