AVAX Group
AVAX Group is one of the largest construction groups in Greece with a long track record of emblematic infrastructure and building projects, solid corporate growth, significant contribution to the Greek economy and a remarkable international presence.
Listed on the Athens Stock Exchange since 1994, AVAX Group makes a substantial impact in the fields of construction, concessions and real estate. The Group holds a leading position in Greece and expands continuously its international footprint.
AVAX Group has successfully undertaken the construction of critical infrastructure projects in Greece, including the Attica Motorway, the Rio Antirion Bridge, the extensions of Athens metro lines 2 and 3 parts of the Egnatia Motorway, the Trans Adriatic Pipeline, the Gas Interconnector Greece-Bulgaria and the Revithoussa LNG Terminal.
Furthermore, with a backlog of more than 3 billion Euros, AVAX Group has ambitious plans for future projects both in Greece and abroad. Over the past two years, AVAX has emerged as a key contractor for several prominent projects, including the construction of the Athens Metro Line 4, the infrastructure works at The Ellinikon, the new Eastern Ring Road (FlyOver) in Thessaloniki andthe construction of SNF University Pediatric Hospital of Thessaloniki as well as the SNF General Hospitals of Komotini and Sparta, all three financially supported by the Stavros Niarchos Foundation. AVAX has also recently secured a substantial contract worth €673.5 million for the construction and commissioning of the 1,75 GW combined cycle power plant in Mintia, Romania.
AVAX Group owns ETETH, AVAX International, AVAX Development, AVAX Concessions, AVAX Task, Athens Marina, iXion and AUTECO.

The AVAX - Mytilineos consortium has been awarded the construction of the new Eastern Ring Road (FlyOver)

AVAX Group signed a contract worth €673.5 million for a 1,750MW power station in Romania

AVAX Group to build three new public hospitals financed by Stavros Niarchos Foundation

AVAX Group is the primary contractor in the first phase of infrastructure and building works at "The Ellinikon"

AVAX Group led consortium will built the new Athens Metro Line 4