8:00 AM - 8:50 AM |
8:50 AM - 9:00 AM |
Welcome Remarks 致欢迎辞 |
- Mr. Terence Zhao, President - Singhai Marine Services - Conference Co-Chairman
赵玮先生 (森海海事服务公司董事总经理兼论坛联合主席)
- Mr. Andreas Hadjipetrou, Managing Director - Columbia Shipmanagement Ltd. - Conference Co-Chairman
Andreas Hadjipetrou先生 (哥仑比亚船舶管理公司董事总经理兼论坛联合主席)
- Mr. Nicolas Bornozis, President - Capital Link
Nicolas Bornozis 先生 (Capital Link 总裁)
9:00 AM - 9:10 AM |
Official Remarks 政府代表致辞 |
Ms. Dong Xiao Ling, Vice Chairman - Shanghai Pudong New Area Commission of Commerce 董晓玲女士(中国(上海)自由贸易试验区商务委员会副主任)
9:10 AM - 9:20 AM |
Opening Remarks 开幕致辞 |
Mr. Jeff Ji, Managing Director of Shipping - ICBC Financial Leasing 计飞先生,工银金融租赁航运金融事业部董事总经理 Presentation/PDF
9:20 AM - 9:40 AM |
Keynote Address: 主题致辞 “Coming to Terms with the Next Era for Shipping & Shipbuilding” 迎接下一个航运与造船时代
Dr. Martin Stopford, Non-Executive President - Clarkson Research Services Limited Martin Stopford 博士 (克拉克森研究服务有限公司非执行总裁) Presentation/PDF
9:40 AM - 10:00 AM |
Opportunities & Risk: Taking a look at the Key Data 机遇与风险:关键数据分析 |
Mr. Charlie Hockless, Head of Singapore - VesselsValue Charlie Hockless 先生 (Vessels Value 新加坡负责人) Presentation/PDF
10:00 AM - 10:40 AM |
2020 - Is a Market Disruption About to Happen? 2020年 - 市场秩序即将混乱? A discussion among leading industry participants on the likely impact of the new low sulfur regulations on shipping.
- Marine Fuel Availability, Compatibility, Standardization and Pricing
- Market disruption risks, strategies and options to comply with the new environmental regulations
主要行业参与者讨论新的低硫法规对航运可能产生的影响 • 船用燃料可用性,兼容性,标准化和定价 • 遵守新环境法规的市场混乱风险,策略和选择
Moderator: 主持人: Mr. Per Askeland, Regional Finance Manager GSS - DNV GL Per Askeland先生(DNV GL 区域财务经理)
Panelists: 小组成员:
- Mr. Sverre Bjørn Svenning, Director Maritime Research -Fearnley AS
Sverre Bjørn Svenning先生(Fearnley AS 海事研究总监)
- Mr. Andreas Hadjipetrou, Managing Director - Columbia Shipmanagement
Andreas Hadjipetrou先生 (哥仑比亚船舶管理公司董事总经理)
- Captain Gerry Larsson-Fedde, Vice President Marine Operations Costa Group Asias - Costa Crociere S.p.A.
- Mr. Christopher L. Hall, Managing Director, SCB Hong Kong - The American P&I Club
Christopher L.Hall 先生(香港SCB管理咨询服务有限公司董事总经理,负责美国保赔协会咨询服务管理业务)
- Mr. Andrew Knox, Managing Director - TOTAL Lubricants Hong Kong Limited; Asia Pacific General Manager - Marine Lubricants
Andrew Knox 先生,道达尔润滑油亚洲区董事总经理
10:40 AM – 11:00 AM |
11:00 AM - 11:15 AM |
The Impact of trade sanctions on International Shipping & Financing 贸易制裁对国际航运和融资的影响
The presentation will be in Chinese. 该演讲将使用中文。 |
Mr. Lianjun Li, Partner - ReedSmith Richard Butlers 李连君先生(礼德齐伯礼合伙人) Presentation/PDF
English/Chinese Transcript |
11:15 AM - 11:55 AM |
Chinese Shipyards & International Shipowners: Addressing the 2020 Game Changer 中国造船厂和国际船东:如何处理2020年改变游戏规则的问题 (how Chinese shipyards, Chinese leasing firms and international shipowners can cooperate to address the new environmental regulations, technological and ship design innovations) 中国造船厂,中国租赁公司和国际船东如何合作解决新的环境法规,技术和船舶设计创新
The discussion will be in Chinese. 该讨论将使用中文。 |
Moderator: 主持人: Ms. Han Deng, Senior Associate - Reed Smith LLP 邓晗女士(礼德律师事务所 高级律师)
Panelists: 小组成员:
- Mr. Chen Tao, Vice Chairman - AVIC Dingheng; Vice President - AVIC Ship
- Mr. Carlos Pena, Commercial Director - C Transport Maritime S.A.M.
Carlos Pena 先生(C Transport Maritime S.A.M.商务总监)
- Mr. Liu Minjie, Deputy General Manager Finance - China Merchants Industry Holding
刘敏杰, 招商局工业集团,财务部副总经理。
- Mr. Li Jiatu, Marketing Director - CSIC Leasing Co., Ltd
- Mr. George A. Kaklamanos, S&P Managing Director - TMS Group of Companies
George A.Kaklamanos( TMS 集团S&P董事总经理)
- Mr. Xu Gang, General Manager - Sumec Marine Co,. LTD
11:55 AM - 12:10 PM |
Technology & Its Transformational Impact on Shipping 技术及其对航运转型的影响 (Digitalization, Cybersecurity, Blockchain, etc) 数字化,网络安全,区块链等 |
Mr. Andreas Chrysostomou, Chief Strategy Officer - Tototheo Maritime Andreas Chrysostomou 先生(Tototheo 海事公司首席战略官) Presentation/PDF
12:10 PM - 12:25 PM |
Hong Kong - Update on One Belt One Road 香港 – 带一路 |
Mr. Benjamin Wong, Head of Transport & Industrial Sectors - InvestHK 王国藩先生 (香港投资推广署运输与工业部负责人) Presentation/PDF
12:25 PM - 12:40 PM |
The New Energy Landscape in Southeastern Mediterranean - Business & Trading Opportunities for Shipping 地中海东南部的新能源景观 - 航运的商业和贸易机会 |
H.E. Natasa Pilides, Shipping Deputy Minister to the President - Republic of Cyprus H.E. Natasa Pilides 女士 (塞浦路斯共和国航运副部长) Presentation/PDF
12:45 PM – 1:45 PM |
1:55 PM - 2:35 PM |
Chinese Financial Leasing - The Growth Continues 中国金融租赁 - 增长继续 |
Moderator: 主持人: Mr. Conor Warde, Partner - Mayer Brown Conor Warde 先生 (Mayer Brown 合伙人)
Panelist: 小组成员:
- Mr. Lu Zhendong, Deputy Head of Shipping - Bank of Communications Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.
- Mr. Jack Xu, Deputy Head of Shipping - CMB Financial Leasing Co. Ltd.
徐伟先生 (招银租赁船舶融资部副总经理)
- Mr. Bill Guo, Executive Director, Shipping - ICBC Financial Leasing
郭芳萌先生 (工银金融租赁航运金融事业部执行总经理)
- Mr. Jerry Yang, CEO, Shipping, Offshore & Logistics - Minsheng Financial Leasing
杨晶威先生 (民生金融租赁船舶租赁事业部总裁)
2:35 PM - 3:15 PM |
Capital Raising Options for International Shipowners 国际船东的融资方案 International Ship Finance, Chinese Leasing 国际船舶融资,中国租赁 |
Moderator: 主持人: Mr. Vincent Xu, Partner - Stephenson Harwood Vincent Xu 先生 (Stephenson Harwood律师事务所合伙人)
Panelists: 小组成员:
- Mrs. Uta Urbaniak, CFO - Epic Gas
Uta Urbaniak女士 (Epic Gas 首席财务官
- Mr. Peter Schulz, CFO - Pacific Basin Shipping Limited
Peter Schulz先生 (太平洋航运首席财务官)
- Mr. Gautam Khurana, CFO - Precious Shipping
Gautam Khurana先生(Precious Shipping首席财务官)
- Mr. Vikram Hiranandani, Director of Corporate Finance - Scorpio Bulkers & Scorpio Tankers
Vikram Hiranandani 先生(Scorpio Bulkers & Scorpio Tankers公司财务总监)
3:15 PM - 3:55 PM |
Global Shipping Banks & The Availability of Finance for the Chinese & International Shipping Industry 全球航运银行 & 中国与国际航运业金融的可行性 |
Moderator: 主持人: Mr. Ji Woon Kim, Shareholder - Vedder Price Ji Woon Kim先生 (Vedder Price股东)
Panelists: 小组成员:
- Mr. Darryl Tan, Head of Transportation and Logistics, Asia Pacific - ABN AMRO
Darryl Tan先生 (荷兰银行亚太区交通物流部总监)
- Mr. Logan Chong, Managing Director Transport Sector, Investment Banking Asia Pacific - BNP Paribas
Logan Chong先生(亚太区投资银行业务运输部门总经理 – BNP Paribas)
- Mr. James Tong, Managing Director, Head, Asia Pacific & Japan, Global Shipping & Logistics - Citi
James Tong先生(花旗银行航运和物流地区负责人)
- Mr. Nicolas Duran, Partner & Director Investment Banking - Fearnley Securities
Nicolas Duran先生(Fearnley Securities董事 - 企业融资及合伙人)
- Ms. Maureen Xiang, Director - Standard Chartered Bank
Maureen Xiang女士(渣打银行董事)
3:55 PM - 4:35 PM |
Putting it All Together - The International Shipowners' Perspective 纵观全局-国际船东的视角 |
Moderator: 主持人: Mr. Christoforos Bisbikos, Partner - Watson Farley & Williams Christoforos Bisbikos先生 (Watson Farley & Williams 合伙人)
Panelists: 小组成员:
- Mr. Philippos Philis, Founder & Managing Director - Lemissoler Navigation Co. Ltd.
Philippos Phillis 先生 ( Lemissoler Navigation Co.首席执行官)
- Mr. Christopher Cheng, Managing Director – LD Bulk (Louis Dreyfus Armateurs)
Christopher Cheng先生(Louis Dreyfus Bulk首席执行官)
- Mr. Eddie Valentis, CEO - Pyxis Tankers
Eddie Valentis先生( Pyxis Tankers首席执行官)
- Mr. Stamatis Tsantanis, Chairman & CEO - Seanergy Maritime Holdings
Stamatis Tsantanis先生 (Seanergy 海事控股公司主席
- Mr. Bing Chen President & CEO - Seaspan Ltd.
陈兵 先生(Seaspan 主席和首席执行官)
4:35 PM - 5:15 PM |
Putting it All Together - The Chinese Shipowners' Perspective 纵观全局-中国船东的视角
- Leading Chinese Shipowners will discuss opportunities and challenges for the shipping industry across the board.
- Shipping markets outlook, energy and commodity flows, investment opportunities, access to capital, operational and regulatory challenges and more
The discussion will be in Chinese. 该讨论将使用中文。
Moderator: 主持人: Mr. Terence Zhao, President - Singhai Marine Services 赵玮先生 (森海海事服务公司董事总经理兼论坛联合主席)
Panelists: 小组成员:
- Mr. Xu Ting Hui, Deputy Director, The Shipping Business Management Planning Office - China Merchants Group
- Mr. Zheng Yanbing, Manager, Process Management Division information & Section - COSCO Shipping Bulk Co., Ltd
- Mr. Li Duo Zhu, Chairman - Dingheng Shipping
- Mr. Su Bin, CEO - Shandong Marine Energy CO., Ltd
- Mr. Fu Jian, Deputy General Manager - Shandong Shipping Corporation
付健 ( 山东海运副总经理)
5:15 PM - 5:25 PM |
Mr. Zhang Ye, President - Shanghai Shipping Exchange 张页先生(上海航运交易所总裁)
The presentation will be in Chinese. 该演讲将使用中文。
5:25 PM - 5:40 PM |
2019 CAPITAL LINK CHINA SHIPPING LEADERSHIP AWARD 中国航运论坛杰出领袖奖颁奖礼 Mr. Huang Youfang, D.E., President - Shanghai Maritime University; Dean - Institute of China (Shanghai) Free Trade Zone Supply Chain; President - China Institute of Navigation (CIN) 黄有方先生(上海海事大学校长; 中国(上海)自由贸易区供应链研究院院长; 中国航海学会理事长)
5:40 PM - 6:40 PM |
COCKTAIL RECEPTION 鸡尾酒会  Sponsored by Marshall Islands Registry 感谢马绍尔群岛共和国公司及海事注册处赞助 |